Monday, February 26, 2007

Transcending Golus....while still in Golus...

You probably know the story...

Powerful Shofar Blasts were heard from hilltops of Tzfas. Rejoicing began in the streets. Was it really true? Had Moshiach come? The rumors reach Mendel Hordoker. He opened the window and took a sniff. Nope... It still smelled like Galus.

Sure enough, it ended up being a false call. It wasn't Moshiach but a some loony...

When people usually hear the story, they say, "Wow! He was able to smell the difference between Galus and Geulah..." But based on a Sicha in Chelek 31, I think there is a more important Nekuda over here. The fact that he had the open the window to do so...

The Atzei Shitim were one of the staple materials used for the building of the Mishkan. Where did they come from? Rashi explains Yaakov foresaw the building of the Mishkan and planted these trees in Mitzraim years earlier. But isn't that a hassle? Was there no other way to get wood than to plant it hundreds of years earlier and shelp it out of Mitzraim?

The Rebbe's answer is incredible. Sure, they could have gotten wood elsewhere. Gypsies...Oasis's...Who knows? But Yaakov didnt just want them to have the wood in the Midbar for the Mishkan. He wanted them to see it growing in Mitzraim. While in Golus, while suffering, while doing backbreaking labor, he wanted these trees to be right in front of their eyes. For Geualah should be something visual - even while in Golus. Geulah need not begin when Moshiach comes. It can be staring at you in the face while still in Golus...

Today, the Rebbe says we also have Atzei Shitim, a "visual Geulah "here in Golus. "Tzadik Katazar Yifrach ki'Erez Balvanon Yisgeh..." It is the Tzadik or Rebbe that is a sign of Moshiach while the rest of us are still Golus.

For Golus is more than a geographical exile. It is a mentality. A perspective. A Pair of glasses. And most of us have this Golus perscription. But a Rebbe doesnt. He lives Geulah in Golus. And therefore doesnt have the symptons of Golus. He sees Elokus Begelui. He feels no intimidation from Goyim. He is never blinded by the falseness of Olam Hazeh.

And having a Rebbe in Golus gives us the power to transcend the limits of Golus...and live Moshiach while still in Golus...

And so, in order for Mendel Hordoker to sense that it was till Golus, he had to open to window. In his Daled Amos, it already smelled like Moshiach...


Mimi said...


Needed to hear this - thank you.

the sabra said...

k but it's not enough to have moshiach in ur daled amos.
and beis, kinda ironic to talk about trees in our face when our whole nisayon now is IMAGINING and REMEMBERING the trees...
and lastly, at the risk of sounding hooked, i really really appreciate what you write and impatiently err eagerly look forward to each new post.
hatzlacha rabba.

the sabra said...

k never mind, today's hayom yom might be an answer..

Daily Derher said...

Thanks for all the feedback.


1) 100% right. Moshiach in your Daled Amos is not enough. But then again, there are so many times the Rebbe said "...and that will bring about a Geulag Pratis...which will in turn bring a Geulah Klalis...." Wouldn't you say living with a Geulah mentality is one aspect of a Geulah Pratis?

2) As for trees not being there Begashmiyus...Yes. I was thinking about that as well. But seeing the Rebbe BeGashmiyus live this Geulah mentality for so many years ...allows us- to put on that same pair of glasses

the sabra said...

1-ok fine. could be. but i guess it's just so frustrating.

Unknown said...

como puedo utilizar el codigo