Monday, April 30, 2007

The Sefiros: Part 2

Note: I noticed the many comments requesting this next post. (Yeah, I know its long overdue...) So despite the late hour, I rushed this one out - but as a disclaimer - it's still in need of some final touchups...

The barren ground was transformed into a sea of lush greenery. The forming of continents and coasts ended the chaotic mix of land and sea. Majestic oaks, luscious fruits, and stunning beaches gave beauty to our world. It was a day in which Hashem said "Ki Tov" twice. It was a day a Tiferes.

The year was 1948. On the dawn of the 3rd millennium, our patriarch Avraham was born. An era of truth began. It was highlighted by the Avos, Yetzias Mitzraim, and Matan Torah. It was a Millenium of of Tiferes.

That doesn't sound right.

Neither does saying that Chesed+Gevura=Tiferes. If Tiferes is no more than a balance between the first two Sefiros, why bother with a third Sefira?

Now there's good reason that this misconception exists. Tiferes is somewhat of a balance. Indeed, tiferes can be attributed to the parent that can punish as well as pamper. But its dual energy is not just a combination of two Sefiros. Tiferes is in a league of its own.
Chesed is love. Love is blinding. Love sees no faults.
Approach a young Chosson and ask him to list his Kallah's faults. You won't get very far. The same might apply for a relationship between two close friends.

But fast forward several years. Suppose life throws a curveball. What happens to love when it is faced with a roadblock? If it's based on pure Chesed, the result will be tragic. For Chesed can not exist in the presence of Gevurah.

Luckily, that's why we have Tiferes.

Sure, Chesed is love. But that's because the object is lovable. There's something in it that you are attracted to. As long as that's still in place, nothing else is more powerful. But take away its 'lovability', and the relationship is over. There's nothing there left for you.

Enter the world of Tiferes. Begin experiencing rachamanos.

Mercy doesn't seem as exciting as love. It actually sounds kinda wimpy. But it's real, beautiful, and enduring. It's also a form of kindness. But it's not about you. It's about the other guy. You're not kind because the other guy is lovable, but rather because that's what the other guy needs. Perhaps, the love is no longer blinding. You can now see flaws. But despite them, you see the good in the individual. It's the staple ingredient for any permanent relationship.

A simple example: There is the strict teacher. There is the nice teacher. Both have their advantages. But both will never really make it all the way. Mr. Nice will eventually get taken advantage of by his students. Mr. Strict will eventually be hated by his class.

Mr. Tiferes isn't just another teacher that can both compliment and criticize. He's much more than that. The other two teachers are just being themselves. Either Kind or Strict. They have a set personality. But Mr. Tiferes isn't being himself. He has no absolute identity. And that's what gives him his dual power. He can adapt to the needs of every individual student. One student may need an encouraging smile. Another may need a stern look. But he can do both. He's Mr. Tiferes.
Keitzad Merkadim Lefnei Hakalah? The Gemara (Kesuvos 16B) offers two opinions. Beis Hillel says "Kallah Naeh Vachasuda.""Beis Shammai says, Kallah Kemos Shehei."

It's a fascinating Machlokes. Beis Hillel says that one can praise all Kallos for being beautiful inside and out. But according to Beish Shammai that doesn't always hold true. For what if she isn't so nice after all? Are you supposed to lie? The Torah commands us to tell the truth! Rather, you should find the one quality the Kallah truly posseses and focus on that.

But Beis Hillel isn't so convinced. "Are you suggesting that if your friend buys an item and asks for your opinion, you should you tell him that you think it's ugly? Of course not! "L'eolom Yehei Daata Shel Adom Meurovos Im Habrios." A person's mind must always be merged with his friends..."

But how did Beis Hillel get around the issue of lying? Did he avoid the question? The Mefarshim explain that Beis Hillel is teaching us that there are times in life that you are supposed to lie for the sake of peace. Whether it's a purchase or a bride, just say it's beautiful. Put on blinders, ignore the obstacle, and be a real Mr. Chesed.

But the Rebbe explains that Beis Hillel is teaching us much more that just how to be P.C. This is not a case of Chesed. This is the ultimate Tiferes.

If this guy decided to marry this girl, he must have found her beautiful. Are you this Chasson's true friend? If so, you should be able to view things from his perspective! And you won't be lying. You are only putting on his pair of glasses and seeing things from his point of view - or in the Lashon of the Gemara - "mixing your mind with his."

Tiferes is truth.
Tiferes is the millennium in which Torah Emes was given.

Tiferes is real beauty.
Tiferes is the day of the week in which the world recieved its beauty.

Tiferes is our ability to "not be ourselves" and embrace a higher reality.
Tiferes is rooted in Keser.


chanie said...

Gorgeous. I'm expecting the same for netzach and hod, before the two of those weeks are up. By the way- what does P.C. stand for?

Anonymous said...

Great info.

I never heard that Bais Shami and Hillel thing before!

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the update. I was anticipating it since.

Anonymous said...


Daily Derher said...

Thanks for the feedback.

Great to see the comments so quickly after this was posted.

Hopefully, I'll get around to doing the other Sefiros soon, but hey...take it easy with the deadlines.
P.C = politically correct

Anonymous said...

Please can you do Lag B'Omer? These are just so insightful and inspiring. I wait for these to post...

Anonymous said...

how than, can one have all three faculties?

Anonymous said...

what happened to your posts?

Anonymous said...

any new posts coming up? maybe in preparation for shavuos? love your blog

Anonymous said...

aww i miss your posts...maybe something for gimmel tammuz??

Israel Krasnianski said...

It has been a while since your last post. Depriving the thirsty from your waters? Dont stop what you are doing... this is what blogsites were created for. We look forward to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Blogrolled you!

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