Friday, March 2, 2007

Ad Deloh Yada...

It's bound to happen. You're going to be at a Chabad House this Purim and one of the shluchim (or probably bochurim) is going to...well...say too much l'chaim. You're going to look around at the non-frum crowd and wonder "What are they thinking?" How can I justify this sort of behavior? Are these people ever going to come back here?

Without getting into any mystical explanations of Ad Delo Yada, I just want to share a simple story that I witnessed. (And no, with this story I don't mean to say that drinking in an uncontrolable fashion is correct...)

It was at a Chabad House. One of the shluchim said a little too much L'chaim. The head shliach was getting a little uncomfortable at the situation. The, to his horror he noticed "Michael' starring at the drunk shliach. "Michael" had been a new addition to the Chabad House. He seemed like a real Keli, and yes, B'H, looked like someone who could potentially be a big contributor.

The Head shliach went into a "defensive" mode. He began stuttering and began the typical apologetic speech. All the typical lines like "This only happens twice a year... This is not the kind of person he really is...Don't take this the wrong way..."

Michael smiled and then said the following profound words. "Rabbi, do you think this is the first time I've seen someone who is drunk? I've been around for a while. I've frequented bars and attended many parties. The contrast is truly remarkable. Everywhere else when this happens, drunkards become disgusting. Their speech is vulgar; their actions violent. It's quite scary to think that this might be the real person coming out with his usual behavior just a masquerade...

Just now, I saw something totally different. The more he drank, the holier he became. "Rebbe, Ahavas Yisroel, Torah, and Moshiach" were the words being spoken.

Tonight, I saw just how real you guys really are.

Rabbi, there is no need to apologize.


Anonymous said...

good one.
why does the "head" shliach always think , that they are the ones in control?
something similar happened at another chabad house, the shliach had some "special" shabbos and his father flew in to be there too. the father was a bit high and started talking to one particular guy (first time coming , doesnt like relegious stuff, but did wife a favor and came for the party part)the shliach having 'knipshins' of how pops is gonna turn this guy completly away....
b'kitzur - after shabbos, guy brings BIG donation....

Anonymous said...

Thx for the story - its good to have to tell over

But i'm sure there has been times when people have been turned off by seeing Chabad drink

the sabra said...

that story gave me chills
thanks for sharing it

Cheerio said...

i have seen this happen with bochurim and shluchim.
it is s/t amazing.